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Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week 23-29 May

May 23, 2011

It’s MS Awareness Week  in the UK, readers. Please use this week to celebrate people with MS in any way you can. Those who have the condition will hopefully be using this week to celebrate themselves!

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  1. *Stargazer permalink
    May 25, 2011 2:59 am

    I’ll remember my friend Douglas – two years he’s been passed away on the 12th June.
    He had been diagnosed with MS but refused to call himself a sufferer – it suffered him!
    He was deep, kind and funny – always cracking a joke, on occasion at his own expense!
    He was into cars and just loved his music. He was more alive than most of the people I know.
    He lives on in our memories – all his friends can do is live good in his memory.
    He was only 43, had a heart attack in his sleep – a merciful passing.
    I was told that people with MS tend to develop organ problems but I don’t know if this is true – all I do know is that MS affects the brain and its ability to transmit signals.
    I guess that is why we need Awareness Drives.


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