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Derrick Coleman: Only Deaf NFL Player, Now On Superbowl Winning Team

February 3, 2014

Yesterday, the Seattle Seahawks won the Superbowl. I’m not American. I hardly knew what the Superbowl is and I hardly cared.

Until the Seattle Seahawks won the Superbowl.

Why? The answer is simple. His name is Derrick Coleman and he’s the first clinically deaf offensive player in the NFL.

He plays for the Seattle Seahawks. And yesterday, the Seattle Seahawks won the Superbowl. The NFL Championship game.

I may not be American, but I am disabled, and I write about disability.

That’s why I’m glad that yesterday, the Seattle Seahawks won the Superbowl.

Congratulations, Seattle Seahawks. And most of all:


Image credit: Limping Chicken







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