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DWP Insider: Repeat ESA Medicals Deferred For Two Years

February 26, 2014

Two. Years. Two years. TWO WHOLE YEARS. Two. Whole. Stress free years for the most severely disabled people in Britain. Two. Whole. Stress free years for the carers of the most severely disabled people in Britain.

The news of the deferring was big enough in itself. When I finished celebrating that news, I did wonder what the exact time frame was. As brilliant as ‘while we clear the backlog’ sounds at first, it does leave people wondering, and hanging. In matters of money, that wondering causes confusion, and fear, and stress.

Which according to the ‘DWP mole’ who revealed the rest of the memo to the brilliant Benefits and Work, was the DWP’s intention all along.

But, readers, thanks to the brilliant Benefits And Work, and the kind whistleblower, disabled people beat the DWP.

We found out what they didn’t want us to know. That’s a victory for us all. We should celebrate it and share the news widely.

It is also a victory for Same Difference, where I’ve said several times before that repeat assessments are, in most cases, a waste of Government time and taxpayers’ money.

So while the DWP go off and save taxpayers’ money for two whole years, I have only one thing left to say.

My dear readers, the party’s at Same Difference!!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. February 26, 2014 6:55 pm

    Reblogged this on Benefit tales.


  2. muggwhump permalink
    February 26, 2014 8:31 pm

    I don’t think it’s everyone who has already been tested that is going to get a two year extension, I think they are going to move people on a month by month basis only until they are ready to start again.
    The way I read it is the DWP are going to get a new company in to do the re-tests but only those due before they are set up will get the two year extension.

    How long this will be is anyone’s guess, but they have got to put the contract out to tender, award it and then the winner will have to recruit and train their staff to carry out the tests.

    How long did it take ATOS to begin testing people after being awarded their contract? I think it was about 12 months but I can’t be 100% sure about that.
    If so, and it’s the same for this new lot, then anyone due for a re-test in the next year will get a two year reprieve.


What are you thinking?