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Please Share Widely- ATOS And Mental Health

March 18, 2014

Spotted on Facebook.

My sister developed severe depression and what seems like to be bipolar disorder and personality disorder.

We are waiting for Atos to assess her claim.
I called atos every week putting pressure on them. We were given a number to book an assessment and my sister got a call back from a nurse from atos.
I had requested a home visit but the nurse spoke directly to my sister and told her that she will have to come in to be assessed and when my sister insisted on a home visit the nurse asked how do you get to the GP’s … my sister said by car as it’s a 2 minute drive. The nurse said well if you go to your GP’S then we will pay for a cab for you to come in for an assessment.
My sister said ok as she would say that but it doesn’t mean anything because come the day of the assessment she would refuse to go to the DRs.
I called atos today and informed them that under no circumstances will I her carer share a cab with my sister due to her violent aggressive behaviour and the fact that she self harms and she may even have sharps on her.

The man at atos infomed me that they waive assessments on people who have such disorders and he filled in an online form with me and said that the DRs at atos will use the information i’ve goven to assess the claim.

Please share this with others who may have severe mental health needs or are carers for people with mental health problems.

Thank you.

8 Comments leave one →
  1. March 18, 2014 1:19 am

    I suffer from sever depression I.e. self harm I over turned ATOS decision on the fact that they don’t know shit about mental health, and I won. I am now exempt from any further assesments by atos for 15 years


  2. madmadhouse permalink
    March 18, 2014 8:31 am

    All you have to do is get your doctor or occupational therapist or social worker to write to Atoms and tell them the reasons why you need a home assessment and you will get one. They cannot overturn a decision to have a home visit.


  3. March 18, 2014 11:00 am

    Thanks. That’s very useful. Will share with those using the London food bank


  4. Rachel permalink
    March 18, 2014 2:01 pm

    Thank you for this very important info I will make sure it gets around…


  5. March 18, 2014 2:30 pm

    Reblogged this on Benefit tales.


  6. Lori Tonge permalink
    March 18, 2014 4:56 pm

    My son has an atos assessment at home tomorrow .he has anxiety disorder and has problem sleaving the house and social interaction. Has anyone got any advice for me about this visit as there isnt much evidence to support him apart from gp and childhood history . Thanks


    • March 19, 2014 4:05 pm

      Your son will have had his assessment by now but in case he’s found fit for work, Check out ESA rules & regs No 29 & 35 on Govt website. He should be exempt from assessment on grounds of “substantial risk” under the above rules.


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