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The London Paralympic legacy, two years later: Vox Political’s predictions were true

June 3, 2014

Mike Sivier's blog

Plight of the Paralympians: This is what they were being told to expect in September 2012. Plight of the Paralympians: This is what they were being told to expect in September 2012.

Two years ago, Vox Political warned that the legacy of the London Paralympics would be the loss of disability benefits for the British athletes who took part.

“They have proven they’re fit enough to work and therefore don’t need [the money],” is how this blog’s article of the time described the situation. “Right?”


Gratitude goes to Tom Pride for drawing attention to the plight of basketball player Jon Pollock, who has been refused any benefits at all since he became unemployed after the Games.

His situation is exactly as Vox Political predicted in September 2012. Following up on previous warnings that the Coalition government had launched a campaign of hate against ordinary people who had been claiming incapacity or disability benefits, the article stated: “We knew that, once the chance for profile-boosting…

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  1. Nick permalink
    June 3, 2014 1:33 pm

    my take on this is simple if you play sport be it your sick or disabled or fit you are fit for work and i cant see how you could not be fit for work unless there is something i don’t know about as a sick person myself

    DLA and PIP are paid to those in work so yes this benefit is applicable and should be paid to the sick and disabled and the fit disabled weather in work or not

    ESA however is for ill or disabled people who are not fit at all and most certainly not fit to play in any sort of games

    those disabled who play in sport games for there country should be paid a special benefit to acknowledge there special qualities that they have and the greatness they have like the royal family have who receive the public’s taxes


What are you thinking?