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PIP Mobility Component Could Be Given To People With Mental Health Conditions

July 14, 2015

From Disability Rights UK:

An important legal judgment has been issued that may lead to the award of the PIP mobility component to disabled people, with conditions such as depression, panic attacks or anxiety, who have problems planning and following a journey

The upper tribunal appeal decision, CSPIP/109/2015, allows that where someone is so prone to anxiety they need prompting in order to undertake any journey, to avoid overwhelming psychological distress, they may qualify for one of the planning and following a journey PIP mobility components.

But there’s a snag when you use this case in your own appeals. Appeal tribunals are entitled to consider all related upper tribunal appeal decisions and there’s another decision which considers help to overcome anxiety as irrelevant to planning and following a journey. That upper tribunal appeal decision, UK/622/2015, says only help in navigating a journey counts.

This decision, if used, also applies a more severe test for anyone, with mental health conditions, whose DLA award is being transferred to PIP. This could mean that they could lose their mobility component.

So what do you do?

If you are challenging a PIP decision and are arguing that you need to be accompanied on a journey because of a mental health condition, ask your appeal tribunal to follow the ruling in CSPIP/109/2015.

You should also use this decision if you have been transferred from DLA and have lost your DLA lower rate mobility component because your mental health needs have not been taken into account when planning and following a journey.

For your appeal you will need to provide a copy of the decision, which you can download here. We have also provided a link to the other decision and summaries of both decisions.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. July 14, 2015 12:21 am

    I got 12 points for not been able to plan or negotiate a journey giving me mobility enhanced. The only journey I can do is one I have done on a regular basis. Even having a hospital appointment cancelled after getting there, and my son leaving to go to work, meant it was over 3 hours before I found the train station to buy a ticket home. £15 for a cancelled appointment and 90 minutes to get home from the station. 7 AM I got to LEEDS and 14.30 I got in after been left for over an hour before they told me they had to cancel.


  2. July 14, 2015 12:34 pm

    Reblogged this on FibroFlutters is a support group for people with Fibromyalgia in Sunderland that offers friendship, support & advice in NE UK. and commented:
    Thankyou for this and I’m re-blogging for my group members to have a read 🙂


  3. July 15, 2015 11:25 pm

    Reblogged this on Britain Isn't Eating.


  4. July 16, 2015 10:00 am

    Reblogged this on Mentally Wealthy.


  5. jim permalink
    August 4, 2016 5:23 pm

    i am being refused mobility allowance ,my problem is i cannot go as apassenger in any type of vechile without serious panik i would crash the car or pull a chain in a train anything to stop that vehicle,although i can drive myself,the law is saying a car is not a oriantational aid and say although i cannot get anywhere without driving myself my car is not a aid to navigate


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