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A Nice Update On Alex Jordan

January 18, 2012

Earlier this month, I covered the story of Alex Jordan, whose autism left her unable to leave her house, and feeling like a prisoner in it. Now, thanks to the BBC Ouch! blog, I have just read a very nice update about her.  Alex now leaves her house often, to go to a part time voluntary job.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Alex permalink
    March 20, 2012 10:54 am

    I have been doing that voluntary work for nearly 2 years. The BBC did film me doing it but decided to focus more on me not being able to go out than the work I did which upset me because it is true, apart from work I dont go out really but I do love my work and it is what keeps me going, the company I work for are amazing and help me so much.

    So nothing has really changed but I am happy with what I have, it could be a lot worse. I have good friends, a super job and I am happy. Everyone wants more and yes I would love to get out more but I have a lot more than some and I am thankful for that.


  2. samedifference1 permalink*
    March 20, 2012 11:16 am

    Thanks for tsking the time to comment here Alex

    Best wishes



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