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Racing With The Hamiltons: Nic In The Driving Seat

March 5, 2012

I will be watching this tomorrow at 10.35pm on BBC 1:

In 2011, 19-year old Nic Hamilton dreamed of following his brother Lewis in to motor racing. But as well as the pressure of being a Hamilton and never having raced a car in his life, Nic also has a disability that had him using a wheelchair until he was 16. This powerful and intimate film follows the family as they try to help Nic achieve his dream. With unprecedented access we see Nic embark on a season that will determine whether he has what it takes to make a career of his own in the glamorous and dangerous world of motorsport.

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  1. March 5, 2012 5:03 pm

    Will also be watching this. I was lucky enough to spend a couple of days with Nic last June during my Alps Challenge and he’s a really great young man.


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