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Classical Music Inspired Student With MS

April 10, 2012

A music student who was paralysed by a life-threatening medical condition has told how he has beaten the odds to continue playing the piano.

Aberdeen University student Paul Murray, 21, was diagnosed with a brain tumour and multiple sclerosis that left him unable to use his right hand, meaning he now only uses his left to play musical compositions originally intended for two hands.

After four brain surgeries, one lasting more than 14 hours, the undergraduate is using his musical talents to re-write pieces of classical piano music so that they can be played with only one hand.

Mr Murray found his talent for music at 15 while attending Bellshill Academy in North Lanarkshire, where he quickly progressed through the grades despite not having any formal teaching. After his brain tumour diagnosis and subsequent operations, it took four months in Glasgow’s Southern General Hospital learning how to walk and talk again, and he said that it was his family and love of music that got him through.

He said: “I had to go through a long period of rehabilitation which meant I spent my 18th birthday in hospital. I was told it would take two and a half years’ recovery time, but I’m always very positive with these things and I was determined to get back to university and continue my studies.”

Mr Murray continued to improve using only his left hand to play until he played at a concert and was giving a standing ovation.

However, the young student was hit with another blow when he discovered he was also suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS). MS affects the spine and brain, limiting the ability of the nervous system to communicate in the body.

The condition caused Mr Murray to lose the ability to play piano with his left hand for four months, meaning that he could only concentrate on his musical writing.

However, this latest revelation served as inspiration for Mr Murray to tackle a master’s degree after he graduates. “My passion for classical music has helped me overcome so much and I hope to be able to bring this music to those who, like me, did not grow up with it,” he said.

Dr David Smith, head of music at the University of Aberdeen, described Mr Murray as “a truly inspirational student, totally dedicated to his studies”. His story will be featured in a Channel 4 documentary, to be aired later this year, exploring the life of pianist Frederic Chopin.

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