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Helen Goodman MP To Live On £18 A Week For Food From Monday

February 16, 2013

Madam, thank you very much from a disabled person who is against the Bedroom Tax!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Rachel Hubbard permalink
    February 16, 2013 4:28 pm

    I think for people living on JSA (£71.00 per week) it will be an even lower figure than £18.00 available in cash after paying essential/utility bills, £18.00 is too generous!!! Especially if the person had existing debts before going on benefits (potentially unanticipated); or have incurred debts as as a result of not having enough money to live on benefits; and that is only if you are lucky enough to be able to reduce essential/utility bills to a bare minimum. An MP needs to genuinely live on the money for an extended period (at least 6 months), to get the true experience of how that level of income compounds week after week and month after month. Also both jobseekers and disabled people incur extra costs, jobseekers as a result of having to place maximum effort in to searching for a job (search, application, and interview costs), which are totally unaccounted for; and disabled people as a result of their disability.


  2. Nick permalink
    February 16, 2013 7:19 pm

    A mp living on £18 for one weak is simple anyone can do that but to do it for an extended period of time will lead to a poor state of health and invariably your death long term so the exercise is pointless


  3. Nick permalink
    February 16, 2013 7:22 pm

    The way the government are going about welfare reform is to cause as much pain and hardship to as many people as possible which in my eyes is a callous and brutal act which will cost the lives of many


What are you thinking?