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IDS Says ‘Shelf Stacking Is More Important Than Geology’

February 17, 2013

Dear IDS,

Sir, earlier this week, geology graduate Cait Reilly won a court case against your government because your government made her work at Poundland for free.

Sir, this morning on national television, you said shelf stacking is more important than geology.

Sir, many people physically can’t shelf stack. But they can work at desks. They can sing, which controls their physical disability at the same time as allowing them to earn from a talent. They can write books, which hopefully provide some support to people in a similar situation. They can perform hilarious stand-up comedy which provides laughter and entertainment, made even more hilarious by the fact they’re sitting down.

And, Sir, what about Paralympians? Eleanor Simmonds couldn’t reach a supermarket shelf to stack it, but she’s a swimming star. Sir, your best friend, our Prime Minister, presented her with a gold medal himself last year to prove it.

Sir, you have a point. Shelf stacking in a supermarket is a very important job.  When you go to a supermarket, shelf stackers do answer your questions. But, Sir, when your children are walking around a museum on a school trip asking questions about the history of our planet, wouldn’t you want someone to be there to answer their questions, too? I would, if they were my children, Sir. And who will answer those questions, Sir? Cait Reilly.

Sir, every job is different. Every job is important, for different reasons, at different times. Have you ever heard the story of the animals at school, Sir? Maybe you should read it before you open your mouth on national television again.





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  1. February 17, 2013 1:01 pm

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