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George Rolph: A Disabled Man On Hunger Strike Against ATOS, Who Should Not Be Allowed To Die

May 29, 2013

Cross posting this to show my support.

George Rolph is on hunger strike because Atos have stripped him of his benefits. He demands that his benefits and the benefits of all those disabled people who are in the same position, be restored. He cannot win this fight alone and he needs massive public support. While I applaud his bravery I personally would ask George to suspend his hunger strike while all those who support him try and build up the momentum of his campaign. No harm must come to George no matter how just his cause. It is up to all of us who care  to ensure his safety by sharing his story worldwide.

WOW Petition have interviewed George. They said:

“George Rolph began a hunger strike last week because his benefits were stopped due to a DWP/ATOS decision. WOW Petition were contacted by George, we have tried to talk him out of it, as our position remains that no more life should be lost due to welfare cuts and we are glad he is now taking liquids. Yet George is determined despite visits by paramedics and police and we are releasing this in the hope that he will get the help he needs to change his mind.”

You can hear the interview here.

This is his Facebook page:


Atos Victims Group News:

Samedifference1 adds: . I have heard that a BBC TV crew are at his house. I’ll be looking out for him on the news and I hope they cover it.

14 Comments leave one →
  1. Nick permalink
    May 29, 2013 3:26 pm

    Another very tragic case at least the BBC have turned up so that is most remarkable
    i to applaud his bravery but IDS will not be backing down so this man’s life will be in vain
    now if the hunger strike was by 1000 people then IDS would back down

    The police involved is good he will probably get his benefits reinstated but if you ask me IDS is out to destroy the welfare state full stop and to back down with so many deaths behind him would land him in jail so he must press on with the bit by bit destruction of the welfare state


  2. rainbowwarriorlizzie permalink
    May 29, 2013 3:40 pm



  3. Nick permalink
    May 29, 2013 4:07 pm

    Another very tragic case at least the BBC have turned up so that is most remarkable as i posted above but as for it being broadcast i have my doubts as they the bbc have always insisted to me when i have spoken to them that they will not be broadcasting ATOS /DWP related deaths

    this is of course is different type of story but i doubt that it will be broadcast and just sincerely hope and pray I’m wrong


  4. May 30, 2013 12:52 am

    Georges story was on the news on BBC earlier along with the case of a woman with serious heart problems who died after she was told she was loosing her benefits as ATOS say she was fit for work. Her own GP was not consulted and said on the programme she would have told them the stress of telling her patient this alone would cause her to become sicker. I know someone who has angina and fibromyalgia and was fainting and being taken to A & E but they found nothing so told her the minute she felt ill she was to ring 999 and tell the ambulance crew to monitor her all th way. She had an interview with ATOS the person told her that she would have no problems regarding her benefit.

    Two weeks later she had to call the ambulance and when they got to her house she was laying on the floor her heart having stopped so they had to bring her back paddles massage the lot then they took her to Hammersmith specialist heart unit where they put her in an enforced coma for 3 days due to the heart attack she had. Two days after that she got a letter at home from ATOS saying she was having her benefits cut and being put into the going to work group as they did not believe that she had fainting fits as nothing had been found after her visit to hospital.

    ATOS are not accountable to anyone I would say they were a joke but it’s not funny and none of us are laughing. IDS is gunning for the welfare state and hitting what he thinks of as the hard target first so he can then roll over on everyone else. I would like to flasmob IDS at his house loads of us wheelchairs chained to his gate and his doors and car so he was trapped and then tell him it’s OK ATOS are coming to save you!

    We need to keep the pressure up with Georges case and all pettions need to be sent out as wide as possible we do not want George to further weaken his health and Hunger strikes don’t work on Tories Thatcher proved that in the 80’s.


  5. Nick permalink
    May 30, 2013 1:10 am

    i think you have spoken for all sick and disabled George you have said everything that was on my mind and hope and pray you will be successful and in doing so save the lives of thousands of people from a life of destitution and death
    George Rolph Interview


  6. Ian Davies permalink
    May 30, 2013 9:00 am

    Mine has been stopped because ATOS failed to communicate with me and the DWP won’t give me income support whilst pending my appeal, it’s become a case of constant persecution by the state who use a company that are not accountable for their opinions, neither side in the decision making process accept any responsibility and blame the other. The DWP phoned every time ATOS failed to communicate and promised ATOS would phone to make an appointment, it never happened and the DWP punish me for not being contacted by ATOS.


  7. May 30, 2013 11:05 am

    Reblogged this on Dawn Willis .


  8. Nick permalink
    May 30, 2013 11:38 am

    There is no doubt that some form of corruption and criminality is going on within the government and the DWP. Their have been so many deaths on the transfer of incapacity benefit claimants to ESA that alarm bells should have gone off

    Many have so far died some while in hospital when they’ve been told they are fit for work’ who and what is killing these people? that is the question. And it’s about time the police tracked down those responsible for all these deaths in which criminality has taken place(deliberate stressing of a person to breaking point knowing full well that they will kill themselves by suicide) OR knowing full well that additional stress will kill them because of there health condition (heart for example)

    anyone found or caught doing that irrespective of the circumstances is a punishable offence of up to 14 years in prison

    Incapacity Benefits: Deaths of recipients (official)Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:46 pm

    Click to access incap_decd_recips_0712.pdf


  9. Emma permalink
    June 3, 2013 3:29 pm

    Does anyone know if George has a web page or anything anywhere that we can show our support on and help spread the word?
    Many friends including myself have been through hell trying to get treatment and then being taken off benefits as ATOS has said we are fit to work. This has resulted in our conditions getting worse and I don’t think people are really seeing the true story about what is happening to sick and disabled people all over the country.
    I have helped a friend who was very depressed and had his benefits stopped and he spent months with NO money at all other than what I could lend him. I spent time trying to call people for him to try sort things out and even went round begging doctors for some sort of assistance as it had got to the point he just didn’t want to live anymore. It was a nightmare and took a long long time to get anything done so I have no idea how he could have done it himself as even the simplest tasks were difficult.He worked all his life and used to pay 40% tax but when he became ill he was treated with such disregard and disrespect it made me sick.


  10. Nick permalink
    June 3, 2013 4:05 pm

    george.rolph on hunger strike for a better future for the sick and disabled has had is facebook webpage removed against his wishes
    if i get any updates i will let you know Emma if you speak out you will come to some harm of some description of which could write a book
    i just hope to god he’s ok ?
    for anyone trying to help George then please contact Sir-Kurt Alleyne who will be of great help


  11. yappy permalink
    June 8, 2013 5:06 pm

    George has a new facebook page up and running after his last one was taken down when he listed everyone from Atos email addresses 🙂



  1. George Rolph – 13 Days On Hunger Strike. How Much Longer Before Action Is Taken?

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