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Tesco Participate In Workfare…

July 19, 2014

Yesterday, someone asked me if there is a list of companies which participate in workfare. I responded that I don’t have a full list.


However I’ve just seen this Tweet which tells me that if anyone does have, or want to have, a list, they can add Tesco to it.



And they don’t seem afraid to admit it, either.

7 Comments leave one →
  1. July 19, 2014 12:01 pm

    Boycott Workfare are usually up to date with this…great campaign too


  2. July 19, 2014 12:12 pm

    they all at it even salvation is when they said otherwise


  3. July 19, 2014 3:36 pm

    Reblogged this on sdbast.


  4. Shaun permalink
    July 19, 2014 8:59 pm

    Hi I’m no friend of Tesco nor ‘workfare’ (workfare what an abuse of the English language; these marketing department types are of sophists in the very worst sense of the word), but how can we know this email hailed from Tesco’s personal department?


  5. July 20, 2014 4:10 pm

    Hi Shaun, I also have had a twitter conversation with the official Tesco account and they also admitted to me that they have ‘volunteers’ who don’t get paid, but they ‘can still get their benefits’. They also openly advertise for ‘apprentices’ on a government website, offering them 16 weeks unpaid, this, despite the current minimum wage for apprentices only being £2.68 an hour. Tesco refused despite me repeatedly asking, to explain why they will not pay even that pitiful amount and give these people some dignity. I wondered out loud how many of their workfare ‘volunteers’ would also have to make use of the foodbanks Tesco ‘support’ (actually they don’t they just encourage their customers to buy a bit more and donate it, pocketing the profit of poverty). I vote with my purse. It’s my strongest weapon.


    • Shaun permalink
      July 20, 2014 9:03 pm

      Dear Deb, thank you for adding detail to the role Tesco has in using tax-payers’ money to meet its wage bill. It’s amazing how in the 1980s Mrs Thatcher made it a Tory emblem that tax payers must not support our coal, steel, and car industries; while, this government uses state funds to support private company’s profit margins.



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