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Woman Wakes From Severe Seizure To Find Two Men Laughing And Filming Her

August 8, 2014

A young woman woke from a severe epileptic fit to find two laughing men filming her ordeal on their mobile phones.

Maggie O’Connor, 26, was walking her dog Dillion in the grounds of a priory when she felt a seizure coming on.

As she came round from the fit she realised two strangers were standing over her. Instead of offering her help the men were laughing because Maggie had bitten her tongue and was bleeding.

One of the pair took a close-up shot – coming within inches of her face – before running away shouting “she fking p**d herself, ha.”

Maggie said: “With a seizure, you can wet yourself and bite your tongue and these were the two facts that they seemed to find most hilarious as I had wet myself and I had blood down my front.

“They continued filming whilst I was awake and conscious but because of the seizure I was in a really vulnerable position.

“There was nothing I could do – my legs were too jelly to move and I could not string a proper sentence together. So I just had to sit there whilst they tried to humiliate me by videoing me.

“I could hear them saying “look at her face. I can’t believe she’s p**d herself – she’s all wet.

“Looking back I feel really cross but at the time I was too confused to feel anything. It scares me to think what they would have done if my dog wasn’t there.”

Maggie, who has had epilepsy since she was 16, suffered the fit while walking in the grounds of St Botolph’s Priory in Colchester, Essex.

She says several passers-by failed to come to her aid and the men only left when Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dillion started growling.

Maggie has seizures approximately every two weeks and is left almost completely incapacitated for around four to five minutes.

She had to wait 15 minutes before her memory returned fully and she could contact her family for help. The hairdresser, of Colchester, bravely wrote about her experience on Facebook in a bid to name and shame the two men.

She says the pair were both white, aged in their early 20s and wore skinny jeans and T-shirts. Maggie says one of the pair was tanned and had his hair in a bun or topknot, with the sides shaved.

The appeal has been shared more than 3,000 times but Essex Police say they won’t be investigating the unsavoury incident on Saturday morning. A spokeswoman said: “No criminal offence has been committed.”

Maggie added: “Although it’s a disgusting thing they have done I understand why it’s not illegal. I originally wanted to find their names so they could be publicly shamed.

“But now I’m not really that fussed because I think they will definitely have seen the story on the news. They will feel ashamed and probably regret what they have done. That’s punishment enough for me.”

Maggie, who lives with partner Nathan Skipper, 24, is hoping to use her ordeal to raise awareness about epilepsy.

Stacey Rennard, spokeswoman for charity Epilepsy Action, said about 600,000 people in the UK gave the .

There are about 40 different kinds of seizures and ‘some are easier to recognise than others’.

Ms Rennard added: “In Maggie’s case, it was very upsetting to hear she was in a vulnerable position and sustained an injury and still people didn’t stop and help her.”

She said the charity hears about a wide variety of experiences.

“Some good, and some bad, like in this horrible case. But we do hear from people who’ve come across the good Samaritans who’ve sat and waited with them while they recover.”

Maggie added: “I want to tell people with epilepsy, don’t be afraid to live your life.

“Just because you have seizures doesn’t mean you can’t be who you are. To people who don’t have epilepsy, if you see someone having a fit don’t be afraid to approach them.

“Just call an ambulance and put something underneath their head. They are not going to be aggressive and they are not going to hurt you.”

8 Comments leave one →
  1. August 8, 2014 6:21 pm

    Reblogged this on Me Too, Blog, Me Too!.


  2. jeffrey davies permalink
    August 8, 2014 6:32 pm

    been ther had that done but whot hurt most was the two old woman talking about me who were saying hes either on drugs or drunk yes i couldnt believe it i could see but not talk but a traffic warden who took care of me old and young it seems can pass on bye jeff3


  3. Peter Lockhart permalink
    August 8, 2014 7:18 pm

    Surely its a hate crime. I think Essex police have let this lady down.
    What is hate crime?

    Hate crime is a crime or incident committed against a person that is motivated by an offender’s hatred of someone because of their perceived:

    • Age
    • Disability
    • Race
    • Faith
    • Sexual Orientation
    • Gender

    Hate crimes can take many forms, including (but not limited to):

    • Physical attacks (assault)
    • Criminal damage to property, graffiti and arson
    • Intimidating/threatening behaviour such as threats to harm family/friends, verbal threats, abusive/obscene telephone calls and gestures
    • Offensive literature/material such as letters, leaflets and posters
    • Verbal abuse and/or insults, which include name calling or offensive jokes
    • Emotional and psychological abuse
    • Bullying
    • Murder.

    So epilepsy is a type of disability. I would say the hate crime would be covered by

    Verbal abuse and/or insults, which include name calling or offensive jokes

    Emotional and psychological abuse


    The police should be taken to task for not pursuing this.


  4. Maria permalink
    August 8, 2014 7:23 pm

    sick people live in the world, shame there is more of them day by day.


  5. philipburdekin permalink
    August 8, 2014 11:20 pm

    Natural born idiots of the higher creed, probably Tories because they laugh at us, just because we are disabled and sometimes can’t help what we do. What comes around goes around and hopefully carma will find them.


  6. mags patterson permalink
    August 8, 2014 11:32 pm

    I think the disabled and vunrable have become a object of ridicule and hate because of ian ducan smith and his party , he has people thinking they are all scroungers and the scum of the earth , this goverment has a lot to answer for , we should be looking after these people not , not making them feel guilty because of illness , a lot of tjese people ate decent and have been hard working , until an illness took over there lives , more than be said for most of the goverment , who have been proved to be liars cheats and fraud their own goverment out of money ,tell me who are the real scroungers


  7. The Infamous Culex permalink
    August 9, 2014 11:13 pm

    I do hope the two oafs post the video on YouTube.



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