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Asperger’s Man In ESA Support Group Gets Work-Focused Interview Letter From DWP

February 16, 2015

An extract from this post by the brilliant Kate Belgrave.

Here is a letter received very recently from a DWP “work coach” by Sean* (name changed), a Northamptonshire man who I’ve known and written about for several years. He has Asperger’s and severe depression.


Sean finds day-to-day life very difficult to handle (he struggles to leave his house a lot of the time). He actually finds day-to-day life so challenging that even Atos agreed that he shouldn’t have to work. After a face-to-face assessment for his WCA about two years ago (I attended that assessment with him), Atos placed him in the support group for Employment and Support Allowance. As many of you will know, people in the ESA support group are neither required to work, nor to look for work. That’s the whole point of the support group. It’s an acknowledgement (a grudging one, I suspect) by the system as we have it that some people simply aren’t in a position take a job. From Benefits and Work: “the ESA support group is for claimants who the DWP consider to have such severe health problems that there is no current prospect of their being able to undertake work or work-related activities.” Once you’re in the support group, that should be the end of that, at least until your next assessment.

But here is this letter all the same. Disturbing reports of other people in the ESA support group getting letters like this, or calls to attend work-focused interviews, now abound. Sean received this letter out of nowhere and it scared the hell out of him. I imagine that scaring the hell out of him was at least in part the point of the exercise. The DWP doesn’t like people with mental health conditions to feel too secure.

7 Comments leave one →
  1. Jeffery Davies permalink
    February 16, 2015 6:23 am

    You will see alot more of these has sueuy proved that one can do a lazerath arise from ones bed and do some work get ready for this has
    she played right into rtu ids arms


  2. February 16, 2015 7:07 am

    Reblogged this on sdbast.


  3. February 16, 2015 10:39 am

    Reblogged this on Britain Isn't Eating.


  4. February 16, 2015 12:45 pm

    Reblogged this on Notes from the north.


  5. February 16, 2015 1:15 pm

    Send them an email saying any more letters will be treated as harassment and a claim for compensation will be filed with the county court


  6. February 19, 2015 11:28 am

    I’ve got Asperger’s syndrome too and yesterday I received a letter stating that I’ve been placed in ESA Support Group, without needing a medical. The supporting paperwork makes it clear that I’m not required to attend any interviews at the jobcentre, or with any advisor.


    • Scott andrews permalink
      May 15, 2016 10:46 pm

      Where did I get it wrong from support group to ESA now moved to jsa I have aspergers so I can’t ask for help only on line as can’t even use phone as you can see it all going to go tits up …..


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