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Victoria Derbyshire’s Feature On PIP Delays

May 14, 2015

The High Court has been told that some disabled people had to rely on food banks and suffered health setbacks, while they waited for benefits to be processed.

A group of disabled people is taking legal action against the government over delays in their Personal Independence Payments, a new benefit being rolled out across Britain

Victoria Derbyshire spoke to Disability Correspondent Nikki Fox, Penny Tyas, who had to wait seven months for her disability payments to be approved after she was diagnosed with MS and Nigel Mills, the Conservative MP for Amber Valley, who sat on the House of Commons’ Work and Pensions Committee during the last parliament.

8 Comments leave one →
  1. Donna thornton permalink
    May 14, 2015 4:31 pm

    I wish I could do the same but am so sick I’m unable to…Iv been waiting 11 months for my pip… to receive a medical on Tuesday The 19th Which I’m being made to travel 50 miles away…I live in Barrow an av to travel to Lancaster… Called them to ask if it could be changed to Barrow they said no,an I was not allowed to cancel the appointment as I would av to start a new claim….Iv was involved in 3 car Crashes had shingles twice diagnosed with fibromalga , then an accident at work suffer depression an anxiety … This journey is going to kill me…..Something need done just wish I had the energy… Good luck


  2. May 14, 2015 5:03 pm

    @ Donna thornton: What I did was email the CEO of the company, whether it’s ATOS or CAPITA and tell them about the disabilities act then proceed to describe how long each part of the journey would take by their preferred method of transport (PUBLIC, BUS AND TRAIN) anything over 90 minutes isn’t acceptable, do this as if it’s your worst day and they will change it to somewhere more local.
    I did mine over an average day and it was over 2 hours each way, just don’t forget the time starts from the moment you step outside the door.


  3. donna marsh permalink
    May 14, 2015 5:29 pm

    I had to wait over 9 months for mine I have eventually. Got it now but I also had a big problem when they issued it apparently it was pit into the wrong bank account I had given them my acount details the account it went into I did not no and did not give them the details for it took me a further 6 weeks fighting to get it back and I’m no being told it will be taken away by the conservatives 😦 I honestly don’t have any idea at the moment what is going to happen I’m so stressed but then I no I’m not the only one so many people are stressed to 😦


  4. donna marsh permalink
    May 14, 2015 5:33 pm

    Aww i feel for you donna Thornton I had to travel fromMiddleton to Huddersfield told them I couldn’t and was told if I didn’t I would not get it and then when I was there I was asked how I got there which if you travel by public transport goes against you 😦


  5. May 14, 2015 6:07 pm

    Reblogged this on sdbast.


  6. rainbowwarriorlizzie permalink
    May 14, 2015 6:48 pm



  7. Donna thornton permalink
    May 14, 2015 7:46 pm

    7:27 pm
    Thanks for all yr comments…. Since 2010 av bin fighting the Dwp..They have gotten me into so much dept, am about to lose my 2012 they stopped my esa for 12 months,as I didn’t make it to court(I got the day mixed up) I was living on £32 a week industry injuries disablement benefit… I couldn’t afford to pay my mortgage or my bills…… I use to have 2 medmedicals a year 1 esa 2 iidb in 2011 esa failed me but a month later iidb passed me…I got this overturned…. 2012 again esa failed me this time I ad to go to court, iidb passed me…. I had the medical report for iidb an my medical records ready to go to court but cos of cab writing me a letter with the wrong court day,they said Wednesday 6 June but Thursday was the 6th so I went Thursday……. The court made up a load of lies my £65 a week was stopped, which I had to pay £105 towards my mortgage. I had bailiffs at my door for not paying council tax…. I couldn’t open my door or my mail…… At the same time I was taking work to court for my accident…. I was so stressed out when they made the first offer I just took it I couldn’t take anymore stress….I got £19,000 bet yr thinking nice that will get ya out of debt….. Dwp took £11.000…I got 8.000….. Payed most of my didn’t take long to start getting into debt ..I’m now getting esa I passed the medical…Bin waiting since June for pip….. The extra money might help me keep a roof over my head…… on 28th of November2012 my birthday my uncle peter Hodgson hung him self over benefits,I just hope things get better for us all before Dpw takes more lives….keep strong x.
    Sorry for the long story…I have missed lots out..thanks for reading


  8. May 15, 2015 8:39 am

    Reblogged this on Britain Isn't Eating.


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