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Carer Sacked For Revealing Caring Responsibilities For Daughter With Cystic Fibrosis

July 28, 2015

Readers, this case, Truman V Bibby Distributon Ltd is an important one for carers to note.

As Mike Sivier reports:

A healthy man was sacked from his job because he had caring responsibilities for a daughter with cystic fibrosis, a tribunal heard.

The employee – a Mr Truman – had indicated to Bibby Distribution Ltd that he would have to spend more time caring for his daughter because his wife, the primary carer, was starting her own business.

He was dismissed from his job on the day he reached one year’s service with the company, on the grounds that “his heart was not in the business” and his primary customer was dissatisfied with his work. Significantly, Mr Truman would have become entitled to unpaid ordinary parental leave after notching up one year’s service. His dismissal on the first anniversary of his employment meant that he was denied this right.

The full details, and an explanation of ‘associative discrimination,’ are here.

Please share this with as many carers as possible. Carers need to be aware that they are being treated in this extremely unfair way- and that the law will protect them if they report such treatment.

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