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Katie Hopkins Sparks Twitter Outrage After Calling A Disabled Baby ‘It’

September 29, 2015

Katie Hopkins has gone too far – again.

This time, the professional ranter of awful opinions – who has previously been slammed by the United Nations – has gone after a baby born with an extreme malformation of the brain , and branded him ‘it’.

The disgusting Twitter post – which is still up there, despite a barrage of backlash from her followers – read: “Plain wrong. If your baby has half a head, you don’t have it.

“Cruel and inhumane,” Hopkins added alongside a picture of the adorable baby boy.

Her followers reacted strongly to condemn the tweet, with her Celebrity Big Brother nemesis Perez Hilton blasting her: “Remember what I said about your children?

“I hope you don’t have any guns or sharp knives around the house! You evil c***!”

Another added: “Seriously Hopkins. I don’t even have the words for what I’ve just read. You absolutely disgust me.”

“Your words are cruel and inhumane. FGS, show some compassion and choose your words carefully. Gobs***e.”

Tiny Jaxon Buell – nicknamed Jaxon Strong – is not only strong by name, but also by nature as he continues to defy doctors and show improvements every day.

Jaxon was born last August with Microhydranencephaly, an uncurable malformation of the brain.

His proud parents Brittany and Brandon are now sharing their story in order to show others than the condition will not define Jaxon’s life.

Microhydranencephaly can cause microcephaly and scalp rugae which means Jaxon’s head is smaller than normal.

It also means his scalp is ridged – but that doesn’t stop Jaxon from living life to the full.

Jaxon’s mum and dad said: “Ultimately, Jaxon will need a miracle long-term. We continue to ask for support and prayers, as it is a blessing that his Mom continues to stay home with him for constant care.”

Brittany gave up her job to care for the tiny tot and has since launched a crowdfunding page to help with Jaxon’s medical bills.

They wrote on their page: “Jaxon has already shown how strong, smart, and special he is, accomplishing feats that doctors doubted he’d ever be able to do, shows improvements each and every day, and just reached a miraculous milestone in celebrating his first birthday.

“These funds help pay for our regular monthly expenses and Jaxon’s continuous medical care, which changes frequently.”

The family have so far raised an impressive $54,902 of their $70,000 target.

They are now encouraging people to give them support for Jaxon’s “year two”.

Jaxon’s father, Brandon hit out out as trolls who have targeted his inspirational son in a post on his Facebook profile.

Brandon said: “It’s baffling to hear or see other people’s opinions on our baby that have never met him, that somehow know how he thinks, how he acts, how he feels, how much of what he does is voluntary or involuntary, how he is always in pain, and that we are selfish parents for not choosing to have an abortion.”

He added: “When we first learned there were concerns for Jax during the pregnancy, we were given the options of carrying him to term or having an abortion because there was the unknown issue.

“No doctor could tell us exactly what was wrong or what to expect, but we did make sure to ask if Jaxon was in pain or was suffering, and we asked if there were any added risks for Brittany during the pregnancy or potentially at time of delivery.

“Since the answer to both questions was ‘no’, we never came close to considering abortion.

“Yes, we are Christians, and our faith has certainly been vital during this entire journey for our family, but we’re still realists.”

5 Comments leave one →
  1. September 29, 2015 12:50 am

    Reblogged this on perfectlyfadeddelusions.


  2. mili68 permalink
    September 29, 2015 7:37 am

    Tweeted @melissacade68


  3. mili68 permalink
    September 29, 2015 7:38 am

    Reblogged this on disabledsingleparent.


  4. September 29, 2015 2:40 pm

    However much one might deplore Katie Hopkins, it does seem unlikely that little Jaxon “Strong” will ever manage greater intellectual ability than flopping his head back and gazing uncomprehendingly at the world, He seems to have little or no frontal cortex and may have similar limits on his mid-brain and hind brain.

    It is remarkable in itself that he has survived as long as he has, but I would be astonished if he were to survive into adulthood. He does not seem to be suffering from any anxiety or pain, so it would be foolish and horrid to suggest that he should be “euthenised”. His brain, such as it is, may shew sufficient plasticity to take on tasks normally associated with the parts of the bran Jaxon lacks.

    I would also like to know whether Jaxon’s problems arose from sime drug taken during pregnancy, or from a vitamin deficiency, or from a vitamin overdose.


  5. Paul C. Dickie permalink
    September 29, 2015 2:56 pm

    Rearranging the letters of ‘Katie Olivia Hopkins of The Sun’ gives:

    “The oafish, opinionative skulk.”
    “A fountainlike, thievish spook.”
    “I finish up talkative hooknose.”


What are you thinking?