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Petition To YouGov Against Their Question On Whether Benefit Claimants Should Be Allowed To Vote

March 27, 2018

Following on from our post yesterday  which appears to have gone viral worldwide, reader Maria Tracey started the following petition:

You Gov recently published a poll calling into question the right of benefit claimants to vote.

We demand You Gov retract and apologise for this poll.

Further clarity :
Same Difference ( shared a poll from You Gov market research stating the following ..

“Please say whether you think each of the following groups should or should not be allowed to vote in General Elections in the UK (Should be allowed to vote / Should NOT be allowed to vote / Don’t know)

Non-British citizens living in the UK ;

British citizens currently serving jail sentences;

British citizens aged 16 and 17;

British citizens who receive more money from welfare benefits than they pay in taxes”.

Why is this important?

Benefit claimants are the largest section in society to be living in, or at risk of, poverty. This group of people are more likely to vote Labour.

Calling into question their right to vote undermines democracy and normalises the view held by many that they are separate underclass who simply do not count. This is an outrageous affront to free speech and would set a worryingly dangerous precedent, as other societal groups could then be denied a voice as a result.

We discovered the petition late last night, and immediately signed it with great pleasure.

We would like to thank Maria Tracey very much for starting it. Here’s hoping her petition goes as viral as our post.


6 Comments leave one →
  1. March 27, 2018 10:14 am

    link to petition not working…


  2. Lesslie permalink
    March 27, 2018 10:56 am

    Is the other petition suggesting those who receive a old age state pension and pay less tax than it is worth should not vote, it is a state benefit? This means with an aging population the number not allowed to vote would be huge!


  3. TENACIOUSV permalink
    March 27, 2018 8:38 pm

    where is this Yougov petition please? Not found on



  1. “Petition to YouGov against their question on whether benefit claimants should be allowed to vote” | Same Difference | COMRADE BOYCIE: VIVA THE ANTI-tORY / BIG BROTHER REVOLUTION!

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