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Whorlton Hall: A Poetic Review

May 24, 2019

When there was one Winterbourne View

The world cried and swore there would never be two.

Then there was one Whorlton Hall

The similarities shocked us all.


Staff swearing and smoking

And laughing and joking

Video clips making loving parents cry

As journalists- onscreen and off- watched, yet helplessly stood by.


A young woman named Alex, reminds me of me

She prefers female carers, you see

She’s scared of men, so what did one do?

Laughed in her face, threatened to bring more too.


Alex has autism

I have CP

Yet I could have been Alex

And she could have been me.


When there was one Winterbourne View

The world cried and swore there would never be two.

Now Whorlton Hall’s closed too, this I am glad to see

But this time I ask, how long before there are three?







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