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George Rolph, Hunger Striking Against ATOS, Has Been Censored By Facebook

June 3, 2013

Cross posted from here to show my support of George Rolph’s right to a Facebook account.

George’s CALL TO ACTION letter is below.

Today, 3rd June, 2013, George Rolph was banned from Facebook, without reason.  He is in Day 14 of his Hunger Strike, which he is doing for others going through what he has had to endure, whilst also trying to get the general public to wake up to what is happening to the most vulnerable people in the United Kingdom, a country which once cared for all those less fortunate than ourselves.

He will not stop this Hunger Strike until the British Government and ATOS stop their Persecution of the Sick, the Disabled, the Poor, the Carers, the Unemployed, even if it means he has to die in doing so.

Please, share his story out, and please note that the government, are pushed, albeit unwillingly, by the public’s reaction,and  have now reinstated George the benefits due to him, but he remains on Hunger Strike until this horror stops, for so many have already been driven to take their own lives, and many have died because they are ill and cannot cope with the strain of a revolving door process: having the money they need to survive on taken from them, repeated assessments and appeals. It’s wicked persecution and bullying of the worst kind, and directed at our most vulnerable citizens.


To People Across the UK and The World Please Read and Hear UK Hunger Striker George Rolph’s Call to Action Read Publicly at St. George’s Hall, Liverpool, June 1st, 2013! Today is Day 13 of George’s Hunger Strike and He Asks “Will You Fight With Me?” “We all know about the growing disconnect in this country between those who claim to lead us and the people they want to lead. We have all seen the ever more intrusive nature of government poking into our daily lives. Right now you are on cameras that are watching you closely. Give them a wave and a cheer. We have witnessed the awful corruption going on, both here in the UK, and in the EU.

We have sat and gasped as politicians have openly led us into illegal wars in other lands. All of these things and much more than I have mentioned here leave us feeling soiled as a people. As if we have been dragged unwillingly in some perverts private party. It feels like our land is not our land any more. It has been stolen from us and we are just drones who keep it all ticking over so others can benefit from your labours, while you get fed in drips and drabs, the little bits that fall from the table. We watch as the London Mayor and other politicians take our money to build huge expensive projects, so they can strut around looking proud and having massive ego trips in front of the cameras.

Yet, in the midst of this financial splurging, we see the same people hammering the poorest and most vulnerable people in the land. Energy prices are zooming through the roof. That drives all prices up. Yet, at the same time, benefits for the poor are either cut or done away with. A new bedroom tax is imposed which is making people homeless or causing massive problems for people who have to find the money in the face of shrinking income. Make no mistake. This is not accidental. The politicians know EXACTLY what they are doing and they are following a script, the details of which they have hidden from us, but which they are feeding to us a little at a time. Did you notice, for example, that just before the new welfare reforms for the sick and disabled were announced, the media had a propaganda blitz on people faking sickness to scrounge dole money? It is called social psychology and you and I are the targets of it.

When those reforms came in I went happily to the ATOS assessment interviews, because I had nothing to hide. I was sick. I was not scrounging anything. I needed help, that is all. Three times I passed. Three times I answered the same questions the same way and passed unfit to work. On the forth time, despite the questions and answers being the same, they took all of my benefits away. Someone, to meet a target set by government, decided to ignore the other three assessment reports and single me out for another kind of treatment. The imposition of total poverty! I knew what was coming to me then, but I was too shocked to think about it.

No money to pay rent. No money to pay gas or electricity bills. No money to pay council tax demands. No money to pay the phone bill. No money to buy clothes. No money to buy food. I was facing bailiffs, eviction, hunger and homelessness at 60 years of age. I knew I would not live long on the streets. I knew they were condemning me to certain death. I only had two things left. My dignity and my fighting spirit. I decided to fight back! I decided I would not just tug my forelock and accept my fate as I backed away from my “masters” in government. I decided I did not like the idea of being their serf! I decided to use what they had planned for me, against them.

If they wanted me dead OK. I would die, but I would do it exposing them for what they are, and I would do it for all the other sick and disabled people they had already driven to suicide, despair or were about to hurt. I went on hunger strike. I went on Facebook and I began to yell the place down. People began to come and see what all the noise was about. At first a few. Then more. Then more. Then more. I have told them NOT to copy me but to fight with me. I have told them the same truth I am going to tell you now. THIS LAND DOES NOT BELONG TO THE POLITICIANS AND NEITHER DO YOUR LIVES. THIS LAND IS YOURS AND YOUR LIVES ARE YOURS TOO. NO ONE OWNS YOU. NO ONE HAS A RIGHT TO ABUSE AND MANIPULATE YOU THROUGH SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OR ECONOMIC TERRORISM.

There is however an even deeper truth and it is simply this: YOU, ARE WHERE THE REAL POWER LIES and if you will stand together as one, you can make those politicians that are hurting and killing our people in the name of ideology or profit, back into the public servants they really are. STAND TALL. STAND PROUD. STAND STRONG. You do not need to be violent. You only need to be united. Tell these corrupted, ruthless and vile politicians that you DEMAND your country back. You DEMAND that they take care of our weakest. You DEMAND they withdraw their poverty creating taxes. I am willing to give my life to help those who cannot help themselves.

Not because I am special. Or a hero. Or because I want to be famous, but because I have a heart that bleeds for them and I cannot bare what these vermin in Westminster and beyond are doing to our nation. WE MUST STOP ATOS AND WE MUST DO IT FAST. Don’t let them fool you. You do not need to gain power. YOU ARE THE POWER UNDER GOD IN THIS LAND. WILL YOU HELP ME TO FIGHT FOR YOU BY FIGHTING BESIDE ME? God bless you all. Look me up on Facebook and lets get to work.”

George Rolph 6-1-2013 Alteri serviens consumor – “In serving others, I myself destroy:”

Today, 3rd June, 2013, George Rolph was banned from Facebook, without reason.  He is in Day 14 of his Hunger Strike, which he is doing for others going through what he has had to endure, whilst also trying to get the general public to wake up to what is happening to the most vulnerable people in the United Kingdom, a country which once cared for all those less fortunate than ourselves. We once celebrated the achievements of people with disability, but we are no longer a civilised society that values the equal worth of all of it’s citizens.

George will not stop this Hunger Strike until the British Government and ATOS stop their Persecution of the Sick, the Disabled, the Poor, the Carers, the Unemployed, even if it means he has to die in doing so.

This must stop. The persecution and deaths must stop.

Please, share his story out.

With thanks to Lizzie Cornish for the narrative, which I’ve added to.

9 Comments leave one →
  1. June 3, 2013 10:38 pm

    The article is from Kitty S Jones


  2. samedifference1 permalink*
    June 3, 2013 10:46 pm

    Yes, Kitty, have linked to your original post. Cross posted in solidarity for George. Thanks, samedifference1.


  3. June 3, 2013 11:56 pm

    I’m linking my blog articles to it now.


  4. George permalink
    June 4, 2013 12:16 am

    We need to come together and bring real change for all. George is an extremely brave man but it is not all down to him: WE MUST FIGHT BACK TOO! These evil brigands only get away with this evil because we fail to stand against them. Time for all of us to change and start to challenge the thugs at Westminster. All the best to you all, especially George.


  5. June 4, 2013 12:17 am

    Atos are using their strong arm tactics on Facebook, it has to be said, they got some clout, they even have their dirty little fingers messing around and influencing the police, which is why disabled activists are being abused by the police in South Wales.


  6. June 4, 2013 1:33 am

    It’s so good to see this shared, and people working together to get the word out about what is happening here in the UK

    It’s not that we fail to stand against them, it’s that they are prepared for what we present. Many of us have been fighting for a long time, and we have won some small battles in a big, ongoing war.

    But those that care enough to fight also care enough to look out for others. But we cannot support people alone, and there are now so many distressed and suicidal people that a lot of my own time is spent supporting, comforting and doing what I can. We need to be more coordinated I think and work together more, and communicate more. But we are getting there 🙂


  7. June 4, 2013 1:34 am

    God bless George, and everyone else going through this X


  8. June 4, 2013 12:38 pm

    to die is to give up the fight!
    when your gone you lose the effect*
    the answer lies with article19 of the,
    the UK* are in breach of this UN* convention!
    as it was ratified by UK* in 209*
    and bloody well fight! Xxx


  9. rainbowwarriorlizzie permalink
    June 4, 2013 6:58 pm

    Reblogged this on HUMAN RIGHTS & POLITICAL JOURNAL and commented:
    In Solidarity!


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