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Hammersmith Jobcentre approaching claimants to take photographs for DWP promotional material. 

September 21, 2016

The poor side of life

I, amongst others have always had a sneaking suspicion that the DWP likes to approach claimants in their quest to find willing victims for their promotional material. They’ve been caught out in the past when using paid models, so now they are trying it on with claimants.

Whenever I see any DWP promotional material, I and others like to research the validity of their photographs and information. Indeed their new Universal Credit promotional material is extremely misleading and inaccurate. So you can imagine my joy at receiving confirmation of their plot to involve claimants.

Please note that the person involved is not easily intimidated. I’m sure that a person who is scared and vulnerable would give in to their requests straight away. They might think that if they refuse they could be put at risk of a sanction or worse.

Now, it’s extremely rare for a claimant to be actually…

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