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What Stephen Crabb Wrote On Facebook After His Office Was Spray Painted Last Week

March 21, 2016

Respected blogger Joe Halewood of SPeye Joe shares this Facebook post from Stephen Crabb after the new Minister’s office was spray painted last week (before he became a Minister):

stephen crabb facebook

Halewood goes on to say:

Miscommunication Stephen Crabb? Is that self-criticism or irony?  Actually as one of your constituents replies you are way off the mark

No they are not able to work. If they were they would have been ineligible for ESA altogether and been told to claim JSA. The people in the WRAG have been assessed as currently unable to work but they may be able to work at some point in the future. The option to find a job to make up the lost income from the cut to WRAG payments is not currently available to them.

Those in the ESA WRAG are able to work … at some time in the future and the idea is that they are able to work within to years IF they get support.  Can you please explain how you envision this support which is undefined and glossed over is better tailored?  Does the £29.05 per week you are taking from them better enable them to take a taxi to constant assessments as they are incapable of using public transport or to take a taxi to a hospital appointment for chemotherapy for their medically diagnosed cancer?

Your gratuitous patronising bullshit and ideological faux indignation in inferring that receipt of ESA somehow prevents those recipients from working and labelling any recipient as benefit-dependent perhaps explains why ESA recipients in the WRAG are so angry.

If it is not bad enough that a faux assessment by paramedics  overrides the qualified medical opinion of a cancer specialist or autism or other highly qualified medical professional and deems then ‘fit for work’ you are determined to label them as scroungers and benefit-dependent – and your support (sic) runs to taking away a key aspect of enabling them to get genuinely fit for work and attending the many hospital appointments they need in order to actually save their lives.

What part of being dead makes the ESA recipient fit for work Minister?

Many tens of thousands on ESA and in the WRAG have degenerative conditions, they are genuinely incapacitated and genuinely need help and support and you only seek to score cheap and bloody offensive political points that they are scroungers and receipt of ESA somehow prevents them working!!

Minister, when you look at your new departments classifications of welfare benefits you will find that ESA is not deemed a disability benefit such as DLA or PIP or Attendance Allowance, you will find that it comes under the ‘Incapacity’ benefit tag as DWP figures clearly show.  You will also find it does not come under the ‘(un)employment” benefit classification either – Yet you discuss it only in terms of disability and employment when it is an INCAPACITY benefit.



16 Comments leave one →
  1. weebles1703 permalink
    March 21, 2016 9:04 am



  2. Alex Thorburn permalink
    March 21, 2016 9:18 am

    Having just seen a picture of the spray painting of Stephen Crabb’s office, it was not the paint that drew my attention.

    There was a very small step and a much larger step at the door of his office thus ensuring no wheelchair use can gain access to his constituency office.

    You may think that was bad enough for being just an MP but now with his new DWP Ministerial position for his office to remain inaccessible for ALL his constituents is totally unacceptable. Of course there is the slight possibility that he has a portable ramp stashed away in a dusty broom cupboard but I doubt it. Something for wheelchair users in his constituency the check out?

    Move your office Mr. Crabb!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. March 21, 2016 9:25 am

    Reblogged this on Christopher John Ball.


  4. Spoonydoc permalink
    March 21, 2016 10:26 am

    Actually, ESA WRAG has, for the past few years, been treated exactly the same as JSA, which is why it was fully hit with measures such as the benefit freeze.
    When pressured as to why it was not exempt from these things as a “disability benefit” the government responded that it was not a disability benefit but an “out of work” benefit (which just happens only to be claimed by disabled people…).
    So this thinking has been there a long time, at least as far back as 2012 when they officially designated it an out of work benefit and subjected it to the 1% uprating cap.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. March 21, 2016 11:03 am

    Reblogged this on sdbast.


  6. Nick permalink
    March 21, 2016 11:03 am

    Stephen Crabb also has to understand that it is at a local DWP level where decisions are made with regards someone being fit or unfit for work or for those in receipt of pip and it is at a local level that when decisions are wrong they cause the hardship and grief in those in receipt of benefits often then leading to there death

    proper safeguards need to be built into the DWP system And not just leave it for the like’s of myself in the help forums / blogs of the internet to deal with the benefit claimants query’s

    Liked by 1 person

    • March 21, 2016 2:08 pm

      …’at a local DWP level’ – do you mean the job centre or the city where the ‘assessment’ takes place, or somewhere else? I’m asking this because I’m asking to be moved from the WRAG to the Support group. Thanks.


      • March 21, 2016 2:23 pm

        at your local DWP office as they are the administrators of government policy. any errors they make should be addressed to your mp

        Liked by 1 person

      • March 21, 2016 2:26 pm

        My MP, Brandon Lewis, supported the WRAG cuts. I’ve no faith in him.
        Thanks. 🙂


  7. March 21, 2016 12:13 pm

    Well in my personal opinion I don’t say that criminal damage is right or that it is the answer I do however understand the anger and upset of whoever did this to his office I should no as I have been affected by the sea cuts and it does not make life easy for sure. Also I feel that this man Stephen crabb has something against disabled or sick people especially as there is no wheelchair access to his office he should try to understand we did not ask to be disabled or poorly and he should be in trouble for bullying the vulnerable

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Graham Turvill permalink
    March 22, 2016 9:48 am

    As somebody who has recently tried to help a disabled person find some appropriate part time work can I say that there is no infrastructure to support this at all. I eventually after many phone calls ended up talking to a man at a desk in a job centre somewhere deep in the bowels of a job centre who’s only assistance was to give me remploys telephone number. He was our local job centre disability specialist. Phoned Remploy and there contribution is to HELP with job finding skills. If you stumble across an opportunity to be exploited then they may support you with this for 6 weeks only depending on staff availability. Deluded , lying, totally clueless about the real world Tory idiots .


  9. March 22, 2016 2:29 pm

    God help any gay disabled people the with this total no mark in charge of the Department of walkers and politicians.



  1. Stephen Crabb got his facts wrong on disability aid cuts – time to make amends | Jonathan Portes | Unión Europea Noticias
  2. Quadriplegics Fit For Work Says Stephen Crabb | Same Difference
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